The Flip Side of “I Could Never Do That”


“I breastfed for 2 years.”
“Oh wow. I could never do that.”

“I gave up sugar and lost 50 pounds.”
“My goodness, I could never do that.”

“I decided to go back to school.”
“Good luck. I could never do that.”

And the list goes on and on… How many times and in how many different scenarios have you heard that statement? How often have you said it yourself? I know I’m guilty of it too, but maybe it’s time for us to flip the way we respond when people speak aloud their goals and accomplishments to us.

If you read a lot of books or blogs about motherhood, a common topic is the importance of building each other up during this journey. When I stopped and reflected upon the phrase “I could never do that”, it dawned on me how discouraging it actually sounds. I truly do not believe that the intention of the person making that statement is to discourage the recipient, but it sure does come across as though they’re really saying, “Wow, you’re crazy,” right!?

In many ways, this phrase is also very self-deprecating. Who’s to say you “could never do” something if you haven’t tried? It’s just a matter of desire. Don’t sell yourself short, momma!

We just need to find better ways of encouraging others and ourselves. When someone tells you about a goal they are striving to achieve or something they have already accomplished that just doesn’t sound like something you would be interested in too, encourage them in their own journey and leave it at that. Who knows? Maybe they’ll ultimately inspire you to do something you “could never do” too!