5 Reasons I Love Being a Boy Mom



I’m a proud Boy-Mom! I have 2 boys, a toddler and a preschooler. They are amazing. Honestly, I have always pictured myself as a Boy-Mom and predicted both of my children would be sons. I grew up with 4 younger brothers and my Dad who was the primary caregiver was a single parent throughout my teenager years. I have never considered myself a tomboy, rather someone who is always surrounded by boys.

Our house is full of adventure. My boys are active- like non-stop moving! I have contemplated how I can safely install a climbing wall in my dining room. Other than mealtimes, we leave our kitchen chairs stacked on our kitchen table so that our toddler doesn’t climb. Recently, my determined toddler moved a little chair from the art table in the dining room all the way over to the counter. He climbed on the counter to get down a gallon of milk which spilled everywhere. Then tried to climb back up to get oreo balls but the chair slipped out from under him. When he fell, he bit through his tongue- yes, all the way through the tongue. He earned himself a visit to urgent care.

I have accepted that I will never have a little girl to admire hairstyles with or to discuss the latest fashion. I will never have a daughter to commiserate over the latest chick flick. I will never know the drama of bra-shopping nor prom dress- shopping. I’m ok with it!

My boys are rough. They wrestle! They break things. They constantly have new bruises. They make disgusting messes. My preschooler doesn’t aim well when using the bathroom and I frequently have a smelly bathroom. It will probably be a long time before I sit on a toilet without first inspecting it. My boys think passing gas is hilarious.

My boys are sensitive and genuinely caring. They are curious! They are adventurous! They are are unapologetically honest! They push me to be a better person!


Here are my top 5 reasons why I love being a Boy-Mom…

  1. Clothes! My boys would be thrilled if I let them wear the same t-shirt and pants every day. They seriously don’t care what is in their wardrobe as long as it’s comfortable. From my understanding of boys, they are far less picky than girls.
  2. Toys! Both of my boys have amazing imaginations. My preschooler is into batman, really any superhero. He will get out his toys and create these elaborate, action-packed situations for batman to save the day again. My toddler loves to push around trucks and make a “vroom” noise all throughout the house. Lately, he has been trying to sit on the trucks and scoot around the house.
  3. Future “stuff.” If my boys are anything like my brothers and male friends, they won’t care about nostalgic keepsakes nor family heirlooms. I take a lot of pictures and I like to scrapbook but otherwise, I feel no pressure to keep ‘stuff’ to give to them as keepsakes. Most likely, they won’t care and if they do care, I will give them the boxes of pictures and scrapbooks. haha!
  4. Adventure! My goodness… my boys get into everything. They have no fear. They climb! They rough-house! They run to explore. They play in mud without hesitation. They jump in puddles. I hope to give my boys as many opportunities as I can so that they can figure out this world. I can’t wait to see what adventures they have in store for me! They keep me on my toes!
  5. Curious! My boys are curious about everything. They ask questions and expect answers. They touch everything. They smell things. They crave opportunities. They explore things they aren’t supposed to, like dog food. They get into things because they are curious about what is in the drawer or behind the closed cabinet. I love engaging their curiosity!

Are you a Boy-Mom? What is your favorite part of being a Boy-Mom?

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Lisa H
Hi, I’m Lisa and I’m a 30-something year old Mom to 2 adorable and active boys. Kamdyn is 6 months old and Kasyn is 3 years old. I have spent my professional career working with students with an autism spectrum disorder as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. I currently work part-time with my husband through www.keyaba.com As a Mama and Wife, I grocery shop with coupons and try living a frugal life (although I’m not perfect). I also like to scrapbook and capture every moment possible. I love to travel. I’m getting better at meal-planning and cooking regularly. My boys and I are on-the-go and always taking advantage of various opportunities and activities around Dayton. My favorite things about motherhood are watching my children learn and discover and rough-housing with my boys.