Kids & Colds: A Parenting Request


Hey there, momma. I see you. I see the weariness in your eyes. It’s been a long, gross winter for me too, and I yearn for any chance to shuffle my boys out of the house. This time of year is hard for everyone – we keep getting little teases of Spring, only to be hit by a blast of fierce Wintry wind all over again. I get it…. I really do… You just needed to get your kids out today and, if you’re anything like me, you’re just mentally trying to will-away the snot dripping down their faces and the coughs echoing from their chests.

I promise you I’m not passing judgement, because I’ve been there too (and my purse is stocked full of Kleenex if you need it), but can I just ask you one little favor? Next time, before you decide to head out the door and enter into the museum where so many kids share so many things beyond just the toys, can you please stop and reflect upon how miserable your kids have been as they’ve been trying to fight off their colds? Just think back a few days ago about how you felt as the first hint of sickness crept into your home… and please… I’m begging you… please just wait another day or two before you head out the door. It could mean the difference between whether or not someone else will begin the cold cycle in their own homes too.

Then, when your kiddos are feeling better, head on over to that museum – I’ll probably be there too and would love for you to introduce yourself to me so we can talk about how much we can’t wait for Jack Frost to melt into a fiery abyss!

In the meantime, here are some great posts from moms around the country to help keep you sane while you keep them home!

Winter Themed Dramatic Play

12 Indoor Activities for at Home (When the Weather is Crap!)

Keeping Busy Inside

Playdoh and More Homemade Fun

20 Creative Indoor Play Activities

Special thank to today’s guest blogger: Leslie Jeannet

Leslie’s Bio: Originally from Louisiana, my family and I moved to Dayton in the fall of 2015. I’m a SAHM to two sweet little boys (born in 2014 & 2016), and I love getting out and exploring everything that this city has to offer with them. My hobbies (when I have time… ha!) include crafting, photography, & baking.