One Less Summer


Summer has always been my favorite time of the year. Hot days, long nights – what’s not to like?

This is my first summer as a mom and I’m learning things aren’t quite the same. Although I think I was made for motherhood, sometimes I don’t feel like it.The heat of the sun rays and smell of fresh cut grass have taken a backseat to hoping the swim diapers work and frantically finding shade.

My three month old obviously isn’t mobile yet so going out anywhere is a process. The check list is extensive and most times doesn’t seem worth it. We’ve passed up pool days and bonfires, trips to the zoo and baseball games.

I find myself looking out of our big window thinking how nice it is outside while she plays on her activity mat in the air conditioning. I remember just finding out I was pregnant at this time last year. How fast the pregnancy, the birth, and the tiny newborn stage went. I thought about how fast the next few months would go.

I only have so many summers with her. Soon she’ll be off with playing with friends, driving around and eventually on her own. I know it’s not a revolutionary train of thought. But, we have to be conscious that this is a season.

The weather, their age, motherhood – it will all pass too quickly.

So no more passing up laying by the pool, seeing the monkeys at the zoo. Even though the swim diaper may be on backwards and my feet aren’t properly pedicured, you can find us putting off laundry and taking long walks.

And I know you’re thinking – just wait until she gets to grade school. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy it.

It is summer, after all.