You Need a Mom Date! 3 Reasons Why It Will Save your Sanity.


of ProvinceI have recently returned from an intense European tour.  I was head teacher on a 3 country European tour which included walking 71 miles, chaperoning 17 teenagers, planes, trains and automobiles! All of this, and I have to say that it was actually a very enjoyable, very relaxing trip. Now, I love my students, but I attribute the relaxation to all of the “mom time” I was able to get.  I had the pleasure of traveling with good friends, colleagues, and a fellow mom.   Each day as we were dining in true European fashion, we got to sit at the adult table and enjoy each other’s company.  That is 10 coffee dates in a row! (Unheard of in my typical life) Perhaps it was all of the Italian espresso, but I ended this tour feeling re-energized and ready to conquer the world, again.

As my son gets older, I feel less guilty about taking time for me.  I wish I would have known this secret when he was much younger.  I am a working mom, but I took a leave of absence to stay at home when my son was born.  To say that I was a bit neurotic is putting it lightly.  I rarely went out, and spent most of my time at home with my baby.  When I finally got around to returning to the social scene, I remember feeling like an outsider.  Had I actually forgotten how to talk to adults? Why was I not able to talk about ANYTHING other than my son?  Luckily, most of my friends were also moms, so they were able to commiserate as I re-entered the world of adults.

If you are new to parenthood, or if you are having trouble leaving that precious bundle for a few hours of adult time, consider these few points and realize that a mom date may be just what you need to shake the baby blues!

Mom Dates can provide a much needed reset if you are in a rut.  Here is why I love mine:

A Moment Away From Multi-tasking  Have you ever had one of those days when the milk ends up in the pantry, the phone is ringing, one shoe is always missing, and the dog decides to wage war on the mail man? Simultaneously? At home it seems I am always trying to accomplish at least 3 things at any given time.  Homework help, making dinner, dishes, laundry, dog walking, etc.  By consciously choosing to step away for a moment and have some “me time” with a friend, it’s like hitting  a reset button for me.  At first, it does seem like you are forgetting something, or someone, but learn to relax and relish this down time.  It is worth it!

Adult Conversation Need I say more? I adore watching my child learn and grown. Singing songs, reading books, and tummy time will always be some of my most cherished memories.  I also really enjoy a good animated film.  The first 10 times at least! However, at times I seek banter that is beyond the level of a 2nd grader.  I enjoy learning new things and discussing world events with adults.  In my opinion, conversation and coffee go hand in hand.

Reminder: I am mommy and more. There is truly no joy in this world like being a mother.  There are so many facets of motherhood that contribute to my happiness.  There are also times, when you haven’t slept, you have changed more than your fair share of diapers for the day, and the baby just spit up on you, when you forget for a moment what it is like to just be a sexy woman.  I think that it is important to put on that power outfit,  break out the bold lipstick, and hit the town with your girlfriends.  I use to feel so guilty if I just wanted a moment to myself, or if I longed to sit and drink a cup of coffee, BEFORE it got cold.  I am so happy to know now that you can have both! I can be mommy, and have me time, and I shouldn’t feel guilty about it.  Neither should you!


How do you unwind with your friends? Do you have an established me time ritual? Please tell us about it so we can share with others!

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